Category Archives: Baby Photography

Baby Julian

We are honored for the chance to create photo memories of 2 babies that were born on Christmas day of 2012. They are as special as the day itself.

View pictures of Baby Harry here.

The photo shoot for Baby Julian was arranged on the 2nd day of 2013. He is the first Caucasian baby that gave an auspicious kickstart to our year. (Thank you for being our successful showcase!)

Looking at the photos, one probably can’t tell what happened behind the scenes. It’s one of the most challenging shoot we had done so far, stretching our ideas on how to portray the best side of baby Julian who has got his own character at this tender age. He was exceptionally active and can’t be left alone for more than a few minutes. It was not easy but our patience paid off eventually.

Other than the photo results, it’s also satisfying to receive good clients’ comments that makes all this work worthwhile. A comment left by Eugénie (Julian’s mum) “Although Julian was not cooperative all the time you certainly were able to shoot some nice photos”.

Below are some images to share.

Darren (123 Photography)

Christmas Baby Harry Martin V

Wendy contacted me a few days before her delivery date. She wanted to have her baby’s photos professionally taken to keep as momento and also as an extra touch on the banner and cake cards for the full month celebration.

The photo-shoot was arranged on the first day of 2013. What a great way to start the new year, with such a chubby and cute new born as my subject. Baby Harry was so cooperative throughout the shoot, letting me pose him with ease.

Below are some images to share.

Darren (123 Photography)

Baby Photography Singapore – Handling an Upset Baby during Shoot

In today’s digital age, you no longer have to worry about not having enough film for all the shots you want. You also no longer have to worry about saving shots and other worries of the past. Today, you can take as many shots of your son or daughter as you wish in his many moods. Unfortunately though, not all the pictures you take are great enough to share.

If you want professional looking pictures, you need the help of photographers who know their trade, those specializing in baby photography. Search online and browse their newborn photography works. Once you have chosen the company you want, let the photographer get the perfect shots you desire.

A child’s disposition on the day of the shoot decides the output or pictures to be had. A happy baby will most often result in happy pictures. On the other hand, a baby having a bad day may be ornery and uncooperative throughout his session. There are ways though of handling an upset baby during a shoot. Some baby photography tips for such instances are given below for your reference and appreciation:

Tip #1: Work with him when he is ready. Allow the baby to be familiar with his surroundings and the photographer. He may just be feeling unsure and needs to be reassured that he will not be harmed. The place should be conducive to bringing out the best in your little one. When he is ready, you can begin.

Tip #2: Give the baby what he needs. If the child is hungry, allow him to drink his milk first until he is ready to having his pictures taken. If he is looking for familiar objects as a teething toy or a baby ball, give this to him. Once distracted, he may be persuaded to have his picture taken.

Tip #3: Keep mommy within his sight. A mother’s presence is always a secure sight for babies. Keep mommy within easy reach to assure him that she is there when he needs her. Babies are more confident with their parents around. A mother for example can coax her little one to smile for her and get exactly the reaction she wants.

Handling your upset baby during a shoot will be easier in time. Experience after all teaches you what to do. So learn from the past and apply all that you have learned in the future.

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Make your Baby’s Portraiture Last

Our fondest memories of growing up are not only at their most beautiful when cherished, but also when they’re captured. Not only do we love telling and hearing stories from when we were kids; more than anything else, we also take pleasure in taking a trip down the memory lane by browsing photographs of our past, carefree years of childhood. The same is true for our babies once we become parents. We can now fully grasp and appreciate the idea of making priceless keepsakes through snapshots that capture how our kids look from when they were born and then saving it for later, when they’re old enough to look back on it. This concept of timelessness that transcends generations is the basic reason why more and more people are discovering the beauty of baby photography—because really, is there anything else more adorable and cuter in the world than baby pictures?

Professional photography for babies is not only enjoying tremendous popularity as a trend these days because of the accessibility of studios and expert photographers offering these services but also mostly because of the playful, creative quality that radiates from the beautifully-shot pictures being produced. Ranging from dramatic to quirky humour overtones, capturing baby pictures is a unique way of preserving the youthful, individual charms of infants. Doting parents are usually presented with a variety of options on how they would like to have their babies be photographed. In some cases, parents can decide or are encouraged to go and develop a concept of their own, and then these ideas are later enhanced for a more cohesive output. As a family activity, it is also a productive and fun way to bond and spend time together; babies are exposed earlier to being trained and adapting to people. Through artistic styling and conceptualization, baby photography has evolved into a well-loved medium for parents wanting to preserve the vivid details of their most precious ones’ early years.

Time is indeed fleeting; before our very eyes, children are growing up faster than we ever wanted them to be, and although we could never really slow down their advancement in years and ages, what we could do now is to start preserving their memories early, so that we will not miss anything significant. For all of these, baby photography is definitely the answer in making the most out of the fondest memories we would like to keep forever.

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Maternity Photography & Newborn Photography Singapore – Mom Zoey & Baby Arora

Zoey was one of the earliest mom-to-be who found me through my website. Through our phone discussion, she signed up both the maternity and newborn package without hesitation. She has a bubbly nature which made my job easier as she was smiling and laughing throughout the photo-shoot.

Below are some images to share.








Darren (123 Photography)

Also posted in Maternity Photography

Baby Photography Singapore – Journalistic Style

Baby photography is an art form. Many photographers choose babies as subjects for their wide appeal. Parents will always be drawn to photos of babies and children. Human interest pictures with babies in them have their special appeal. Photo galleries focusing on babies may even see better foot traffic than other subjects.

There are many styles of taking baby photos. One of this is the journalistic style of baby photography. It is most compelling. Seen through the photographer’s camera lens is a story. A shot taken provides the viewer a snapshot of what was happening at the time it was taken. It may even emotionally move viewers.

Some examples of this style may be: a sepia photo of a baby reaching out and holding on to his grandfather’s offered thumb as the old man looks loving back at him; a baby contentedly suckling his mother’s breast while the mother holds him close; or a trusting baby taking his first steps towards his delighted father.

There are many priceless moments that a photographer with a journalistic eye can catch and immortalize in photographs. It takes a lot of patience or perseverance and practice. Can it be learned? Yes it can. After all, ‘practice makes perfect.’ With constant practice comes ability.

There is but a short window to capture all those special moments you want to take of your baby: as a newborn, an infant and later a child. As parent, you will want to document your baby’s growth and development.

Face and body shots only show how the baby looks. What is most arresting, possibly later even most memorable and rewarding are the action photos or those journalistic style photos that speak in volumes. Journalistic style baby photography can produce contest winning materials. If you feel you have what it takes, develop your skills by practicing your capabilities.

Your baby is the best subject for you. As parent, he is with you every day. Seen through your eyes, create photographs that evoke feelings as what you experience while taking the shots. The photos taken may have been at a park, in a mall or just at home. Your objective every time should be to look through the lens and tell a story. This would require you to step back and take the bigger picture; to put in elements that matter. Your creations are your work of art. Make yours special every time.

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Baby Photography Singapore – Costumes and Theme Ideas for Baby Photography

Baby photography is growing more popular than ever. Some stick to the classic style and choose to shoot the little one in her most innocent and peaceful state, sleeping while naked. This highlights the infant’s features and is a must-do for all parents of newborns. However, while this is a no-fail style for beautiful and gush-worthy shots that prove to be timeless, other parents, especially those of older babies, have gone the more creative and fun route and started dressing up their little ones in fantastic costumes that are too darn cute. Here are some charming costumes and clever baby photography themes and ideas.

Newborn photography, baby photography 1. Go with the parents’ hobbies or interests. This does not necessarily mean the child has to realize her parents’ unfulfilled dreams in future, but wouldn’t it be cute to dress the baby up as a chef with huge pots and pans and lots of vibrant fruits in the background, if the mom or dad was a big cooking enthusiast? Or how about a bouncing baby boy dressed in a leather vest, boots and dark sunglasses with guitars and a drum set in the background for a dad who just loves his rock and roll? There can also be a baby dressed in loose overalls and some plaid, sitting amongst stacks of hay and farm animal toys for the child of farmers or ranchers.

2. Go with the seasons. Is the baby ready for the photo shoot and it’s October? Get an adorable pumpkin costume to kick off the Halloween festivities. If the little one is sitting upright by the time December rolls in, set up a Christmas tree shoot and place the cutie pie in the biggest gift box around, complete with a huge bow as a headdress. Is February just around the corner? Style the baby in her diapers and add some wings, lots of hearts all around and that’s an instant Valentine shoot waiting to happen. When out of ideas, let the season decide the theme instead.

3. Go with what appeals to the baby. If she likes a certain cartoon, dress her up as her favorite character. If she has a favorite toy, try to find a costume of that exact creature. If the baby is old enough to have favorites, then she is old enough to recognize that character as herself in costume. If this makes the baby happy, then expect to have a fun baby photography session and lots of happy pictures.

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Newborn Photography Singapore – Joel

When Petrina contacted me again to arrange for the newborn shoot for her bundle of joy, I was quite surprised.  I did a full family photography session with her last year, and she did not show any signs of pregnancy nor was she sporting a baby bump. Coincidentally, little Joel’s birthday is just one day after me. Nice! 🙂

Below are some images to share.

Newborn Photography, Baby Photography

Newborn Photography, Baby Photography

Newborn Photography, Baby Photography

Newborn Photography, Baby Photography

Newborn Photography, Baby Photography

Newborn Photography, Baby Photography

Newborn Photography, Baby Photography

Newborn Photography, Baby Photography


Darren (123 Photography)




Baby Photography Singapore – Using Props in Baby Photography

Baby photography has gone from the simple shoot of a sleeping, naked baby to the use of costumes and an assortment of props to create thematic shoots. While the sleeping, naked baby route is best for drawing attention to the baby’s features, her softness and tenderness, a themed shoot for older babies is perfect for bringing out some fun and unique portraits. Themes can be as varied as the upcoming season, the parents’ interests or jobs, what the baby is fond of, and anything else that would just be too darn adorable. Props to complete these themes can be sourced from specialty shops are sourced from within one’s own home. One just has to have enough imagination and the right theme in mind.

Here are two props (and theme) ideas that one can easily source from home:

Baby Photography Singapore1. Baskets in all shapes and sizes (as long as they are big enough to fit a baby into) are perfect for baby photography sessions. Just add a few flowers and that’s a garden theme already. Add a checked mat and some food items and it suddenly transforms into a picnic themed shoot. A huge basket that can fit the baby and some other fruits can also be a whole other shoot. All these items can be found in the house, yet can come together as a theme if one chooses the proper props combinations.

2. Another useful prop for a baby shoot that everyone has lying in the house are blankets. Blankets are actually a must-have at a baby shoot because plain blankets (especially cream ones) work best for those close up shots and those simple shoots when the baby is naked. But they are also great props as they are flexible and add a whole new dimension to the pictures. A bunch of blankets can be rolled up individually, and then placed on top of each other to form a pyramid. The baby can be positioned on top and it could be the cutest shot ever. Blankets can also be folded up nicely and put one on top of another to create a look of different colored layers from the photographer’s angle. The baby lying on top of the pile, or leaning on it from the side could make for a beautiful shot. Towels also work great in baby photography, as long as the texture is soft enough for baby’s delicate skin. The contrast of bright colors versus the tranquility of the sleeping baby can be quite artistic.

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Baby Photography Singapore – Preparing Your Little One for Baby Photography Session

A little one’s first baby photography session is perhaps the biggest deal in a new mother and father’s activity list. From this shoot will come the baby’s first portraits and these portraits will be in family albums and wills serve as mementos for years to come. To say there is a bit of pressure for this shoot to go very well is quite an understatement.
For most things in life, baby photography shoots included, preparation is half the battle. Here are a few tips for preparing the baby for the shoot.

Baby Photography

1. Make sure the baby is well-groomed. This simply means giving the baby a bath, so she looks extra fresh, and making sure her nails are clipped and her nostrils are clean. Do not worry too much about the hair as baby portraits tend to become cuter the more natural the whole look is. Also, the baby will be put in different positions and will need to be picked up from time to time, so fussing about the hair will only lead to unnecessary stress.

2. If it will be a naked shoot for the baby to highlight her features and fragility, make sure that she does not wear any tight clothes hours before the shoot to prevent red marks from showing up on her skin. Additionally, take extra care of baby’s buttocks with creams and powder to avoid diaper rash days before the shoot. Though photos can be easily edited in post-production, clean, clear skin at the get-go is always much favorable.

3. If there are skin peels that have not yet fully come off, leave them like that. Do not try to force it into falling off by pulling at it or cutting it. Again, the more natural the overall look of the baby is for the shoot, the better. The shoot is not about perfection or hiding flaws, but about capturing the baby’s essence in his infancy stage and celebrating every little detail about that.

4. Every baby has her own body clock. Some take one long nap during the day and are up and about the rest of the time, while others take several short naps in between meals. Whatever the baby’s natural schedule is, stick to it during the baby photography shoot. Do not force a baby to sleep when it is not in her schedule to take nap, and never wake a sleeping baby just for the sake of a good shot. This plan always backfires anyway.

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