Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013

With year 2012 coming to a close, 123 Photography is grateful to have met many wonderful clients this year. 123 Photography started operations officially over a year ago, and we are thankful for the valuable feedback and compliments over our work, motivating us to keep doing better.

A rough count showed up to 50 photo shoots this year, with 25 maternity photography, 10 newborn photography, 6 kids photography, 5 family photography and 2 baby shower photography, a satisfying number considering no advertising was done for the first half of the year. We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to the clients who went on to introduce our services to their friends and families.

Looking forward, we are committed to capturing more unforgettable moments and create cherished memories in the years to come.

Hereby, 123 Photography would like to wish everyone a Prosperous Year 2013.

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